Featured PMP Exam Lessons Learned from Adam Leslie, PMP

How I passed my PMP exam:

I passed my PMP exam on August 19th. I did so after a lot of study (4 hours a day for 2.5 months). I am going to break down my lessons learned into two parts: "What I Did Do" and "What I Did Not Do".

What I Did Do

1. Created a study plan with projected a test date.

2. Studied Rita's book (www.amazon.com/PMP-Exam-Prep-Sixth-Passing/dp/1932735186) cover to cover. Notice I did not say I read it - I studied it. I poured over it. I took notes, highlighted key areas and did further research on concepts that I did not understand.

3. Memorized Rita's process chart and the formula page in the back of the book. I reviewed these almost every night before I went to bed.

To read more of his complete experience, please follow this link: http://www.project-management-prepcast.com/index.php/kunena/11-lessons-learned/2421-don-t-memorize-itto-s-my-pmp-lessons-learned


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