10 Steps to Becoming a PMP - Step 5 & 6

Step 5: Read the PMBOK® Guide. Twice.

About 75% of the questions on the PMP® Exam come from the PMBOK® Guide. You must know it. And the only way to know it is to read it at least twice.

Step 6: Listen to a PMP Audio Workshop or Read a PMP Preparation Book.

There are many very good PMP Audio Workshops and PMP Preparation Books available. You can find them on eBay, Amazon or in your local bookstore. These resources will teach you the 25% of additional material that you cannot find in the PMBOK® Guide. And because the PMBOK® Guide is so "dry", these third party products will help you understand what the PMBOK® Guide is trying to say. They will "translate" the concepts, tools and techniques from the Guide and give you examples from everyday PM life to show you what is meant. Many of the audio courses also come with contact hours - the books cannot offer that benefit.

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