Earn 37 PDUs with The Agile PrepCast

Are you PMP certified and looking for a way to earn PDUs quickly? Get The Agile PrepCast now and earn 37 PDUs in a flash..

While The Agile PrepCast is a complete PMI-ACP exam preparation course, it can also be used by those already PMP certified to earn PDUs. The Agile PrepCast teaches you everything you will want to know about Agile frameworks, methods, concepts, tools & techniques.

So make earning PDUs easy on yourself. Do it on your commute to work, while eating lunch, or exercising. Simply download The Agile PrepCast to your tablet or smart phone and press the “play” button.

Order The Agile PrepCast now for just $179.99 and earn your PDUs! www.agileprepcast.com/pdu

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