Free PMP Exam Sample Question

The following PMP® exam sample question is taken from the Free PMP Exam Simulator:


An You are managing a nationwide telecom network deployment project. You learned that you are unable to start any civil works before obtaining a government agency's permit, which could take months. The project deadlines are aggressive and you might face penalties if you don't meet them. Obtaining the government agency's permit prior to civil works on any site is an example of which of the following?
A.) Mandatory Dependency
B.) External Dependency
C.) Project Constraint
D.) Project Requirement

Hint: All of the choices are correct in a way but considering the relationship of the permit to the civil work will yield only one correct choice.


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(Note that the sample question published on this page may be based on a prior version of the exam. It remains published for historical reference.)

The correct answer is B
Explanation: The question asked you about the relationship between civil works and the government agency permit to perform these works. When we are talking about relationships between activities we are talking about dependencies between the tasks. Obtaining the permits will definitely be in your project's scope of work and will also be a part of your contract. Therefore, it is considered a Mandatory Dependency. Similarly, since you have to oblige by this requirement this is both a project constraint as well as a project requirement. Most importantly, since obtaining the permit and its duration is beyond your control, it is an external dependency as well, which is the best answer to this question given in the scenario.
Reference: PMBOK® Guide 4th Edition, page 140

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