Episode 435: The PMI Talent Triangle™ (Free)

cornelius fichtner headset 640x360Today, we are shining a spotlight on Professional Development Units (PDUs).

More precisely, we are going to review the PMI Talent Triangle™ and how this triangle affects the way that you need to earn your PDUs. And if you are a project manager who holds a certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI)® then you know about PDUs, because you need them for your certification renewal every three years.

And just to be absolutely clear: you need PDUs only after you have passed your exam. If you are still studying for your certification, then you need what PMI® calls Contact Hours.

So our focus right now is on the PDUs that you need after you pass your exam. Also, I know that most of you are certified Project Management Professionals (PMP)® so I’ve chosen my examples to be primarily about PMP PDUs.




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