Free CAPM® Exam Sample Question

Free CAPM® Exam Sample QuestionWhich of the following is the purpose of tailoring?

A. To select the appropriate combination of processes and techniques to meet the unique needs of the project
B. To adjust processes as needed to meet the stakeholder needs and expectations
C. To pass the compliance audit.
D. To reduce the workload of project management.z

HINT: Considering that tailoring is part of project planning, some of the choices may be eliminated as they usually occur during other process groups.

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(Note that the sample question published on this page may be based on a prior version of the exam. It remains published for historical reference.)

Answer and Explanation:
The correct answer is A.

Tailoring is determining the appropriate combination of processes, inputs, tools, techniques, outputs, and life cycle phases to manage a project. Tailoring should take place during project planning to customize the processes before applying them. The main purpose of process tailoring is to ensure processes meet the specific needs of the project.

Details for each option:

A. To select the appropriate combination of processes and techniques to meet the unique needs of the project
Correct. There is no process that fits for all projects, so before applying a process, the project characteristics and needs should be considered to answer whether the process could bring benefit and how to implement it.

B. To adjust processes as needed to meet the stakeholder needs and expectations
Incorrect. The purpose of tailoring is to ensure the appropriate use of processes for the project, not to meet the stakeholder needs and expectation.

C. To pass the compliance audit.
Incorrect. Tailoring is often considered when planning while compliance audit is conducted during the project implementation to identify whether the project complies or not with the organization's processes and procedures.

D. To reduce the workload of project management.
Incorrect. Tailoring does not necessarily reduce the workload of project management.

Reference: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition, Project Management Institute Inc., 2017, Page(s) 28

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