Free PMP Exam Sample Question

Free PMP Exam Sample QuestionThe following PMP® exam sample question is taken from the Free PMP Exam Simulator (The answer is at the very bottom):


You are managing an electric works project. You are required to design and deploy the electrical network for an airport construction project that is underway. Your project is part of the airport construction program your company is undertaking. A number of other sub-projects, such as building and runway construction, and communication network deployment are part of the program. Due to the inter-project dependencies, your sponsor always seems panicked and in a hurry to do everything. Which of the following classification models should you choose to analyze the impact of your project sponsor as a stakeholder?

A) Power/Interest Grid
B) Power/Influence Grid
C) Influence/Impact Grid
D) Salience Model

Hint: This model analyzes stakeholders based on their power and urgency.

Please visit and try The PM Exam Simulator free for seven days. All questions in the simulator are updated to the latest exam content outline and PMBOK® Guide. We are a Trusted and Experienced Education Provider.

(Note that the sample question published on this page may be based on a prior version of the exam. It remains published for historical reference.)

Answer and Explanation:
The Correct answer is D. The Salience Model analyzes stakeholders based on their power (ability to impose their will), urgency (need for immediate attention), and legitimacy (their involvement is appropriate).

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