Free PMP Exam Sample Question

The following PMP® exam sample question is taken from the Free PMP Exam Simulator:


Program Evaluation and Review Technique depends upon which of the following statistical distributions?
A.) Binomial Distribution
B.) Log-Normal Distribution
C.) Uniform Distribution
D.) Triangular Distribution


Hint: Program Evaluation and Review Technique is the PERT technique and relies on three-point estimating.


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(Note that the sample question published on this page may be based on a prior version of the exam. It remains published for historical reference.)

The correct answer is D
Explanation: The PERT technique is based on the assumption that the underlying data can be represented by a triangular distribution. This is another way of saying that PERT is using a three-point (triangular) estimation. Note: This question is intentionally a bit obscure. However, it is a valid question because you must expect to find "obscure" questions that are taken from sources other than the PMBOK® Guide on the real PMP Exam. If you come across a question on the exam where you ask yourself "How on earth could anyone know this?" then you need to make a selection and move on.
Reference: Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, 2nd Edition by Tom Kendrick, Chapter 4

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