Free PMP Exam Sample Question

The following PMP® exam sample question is taken from the Free PMP Exam Simulator at - The answer is at the very bottom:


On your project, you want to ensure that each requirement adds business value by linking it to the business and project objectives. This also provides a means to track requirements throughout the project life cycle, helping to ensure that requirements approved in the requirements documentation are delivered at the end of the project. The document that helps to achieve this is called:

A.) Requirements Documentation
B.) Brainstorming
C.) Requirements Management Plan
D.) Requirements Traceability Matrix

Hint: This question is asking you how to trace the requirements from project beginning to end.

Please visit and try The PM Exam Simulator free for seven days. All questions in the simulator are updated to the latest exam content outline and PMBOK® Guide. We are a Trusted and Experienced Education Provider.

(Note that the sample question published on this page may be based on a prior version of the exam. It remains published for historical reference.)

The correct answer is D
Explanation: The Requirements Traceability Matrix is a table that links requirements to their origin and traces them throughout the project life cycle. The implementation of a Requirements Traceability Matrix helps ensure that each requirement adds business value by linking it to the business and project objectives. It provides a means to track requirements throughout the project life cycle, helping to ensure that requirements approved in the requirements documentation are delivered at the end of the project.
Reference: PMBOK® Guide 4th Edition, page 111

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