Earn Your PDUs in No Time

You might have been too busy to realize it, but there it is – your PMP recertification is fast approaching and you haven’t earned anywhere near the 60 required PDUs yet. If you find yourself in this situation and want to catch up quickly, then don’t worry, because you can now access and download up to two years’ worth of webinars from The PDU Podcast and earn over 40 PDUs almost immediately at www.pducast.com.

The PDU Podcast used to be available only in a subscription option where you received one webinar every month. But now we have opened our archives and you can access and download the first two years separately:
● Year 1: 12 webinars with a total of 21.75 PDUs
● Year 2: 12 webinars and 2 bonus items with a total of 20.00 PDUs

Earn your PDUs in no time and with less effort. Just order one of the archives and immediately download, watch, and study all webinars from Year 1 and/or Year 2.

And of course, just like the regular monthly subscriptions, the yearly archives can also be downloaded to your smartphone (iPhone/Android), tablet or other portable video player, so that you can study anywhere and anytime.

For more information, please visit http://www.pducast.com/index.php/order, where you can find all the details about and choose the best option that suits your needs.

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