Get 7 Free PMP Exam Resources

Preparing to take and pass the PMP® Exam is an intense, complex, and sometimes even an expensive venture. So, why wouldn’t you want access to a variety of free exam resources located conveniently in one place? That is what you can expect when you sign up for The Free PM PrepCast.

Just go to and sign up to receive all of these valuable free exam tools and resources in one convenient location:

  • 75 minutes of free training from The PM PrepCast. Check out these four sample videos and get introduced to the basics of the PMP exam, learn about Project Integration Management and find out how to select the best answer on sample questions.
  • Five PMP® Exam Worksheets and Checklists to help you best complete the PMP® Exam application. The worksheets are designed to help you complete the complex Experience Verification and Contact Hour sections of the online PMP application.
  • A free eBook, The Short Guide to Becoming A PMP, which details the eight steps to consider when preparing to take the PMP® Exam to ensure you learn what you need to know in order to best prepare for the PMP® Exam.
  • Over 15 PMP® Exam Tip videos covering such topics as “Manage the Time During Your PMP Exam,” “Exam Time management and Question Styles,” and “Assess Your PMP Exam Readiness with Free Sample Exams” to help you get ready for the PMP® Exam and exam day.
  • 75 PMP® Exam eFlashCards that can be downloaded to a portable medial player (iPod, iPhone, Blackberry, Treo, Smart Phone, etc.) for convenient studying anytime and anywhere.
  • Interviews with successful PMPs that will provide you with insight from those who have already passed the exam and are working in the project management field.

With all of the free resources available as part of The Free PM PrepCast membership how could you afford to pass up the opportunity to simplify your application process and take advantage of the many exam preparation resources and tools?

In addition to these priceless resources and tools mentioned will also receive the weekly PMP Exam Tips Newsletter that will contain even more free resources, tools, and tips to keep you on track in your effort to pass the PMP® Exam.

You are only a moment away to access to these free and valuable resources. Go to and sign up for your free account to get on your way to earning your PMP Certification.

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