PM StudyCoach has been Updated for the 2011 PMP Exam

PM StudyCoach has been Updated for the 2011 PMP ExamThe PMP Exam is changing on August 31st, 2011 and we have just finished updating The PM StudyCoach at to help you prepare for the updated exam.

To be precise: We only needed to update the 12 "Take Action" worksheets, the PDU Log and we added some new items for you to read, watch and listen to. The rest of The PM StudyCoach remains the same, because the goal of the StudyCoach is to show you what you need to study and in what order you need to work your way through all your study materials. The StudyCoach does not contain any training material that needed to be changed.

How do I download the new items?
The PM StudyCoach is best downloaded as a Podcast, via your personal podcast feed. Most likely you were using iTunes for the original download. If your StudyCoach account is still still active, you can start your iTunes, click on "update podcast" and all the new docs/audios/videos will start downloading.

To download the 12 updated Take Action worksheets you need to first delete the current ones in your iTunes, then right-click and select "Show all available episodes" and now click the "Download all" button

Can I download the new items from the website?
Yes. Please log on to our membership area at and download them manually.

Who can download the new material?
All customers with active accounts. If nothing happens for you after you click "update podcast" in your iTunes then that means your account is no longer active. This is normal if you purchased > 9 months ago. Write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for re-activation, but only if you are planning to take the exam on/after August 31st 2011.

What if I already passed my PMP Exam?
Congratulations! You don't need this new material. Go to instead.

I am taking my exam before August 31st 2011
You don't need the new materials. However, using the new worksheets and watching the additional lessons will not hurt you. So there is no need to worry.

I am taking my exam on/after August 31st 2011
Download & use the new materials in your study preparation. The new worksheets contain lots of additional ideas and links to material that you can watch, listen to, read and study. There is, however, nothing that is substantially going to change what and how you have to study for your exam. Even if you use the old Take Action worksheets you are still "good to go".

And here is my final recommendation for all those who are taking the "new" PMP exam on/after August 31st: The most important document that you should read is the PMP Examination Content Outline document from PMI. It describes what the exam will test you on. If what you read in this document seems familiar then you are on the right track in your studies.

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