Free PMP Exam Sample Question

The following PMP® exam sample question is taken from - The answer is at the bottom:

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PMBOK Section: Plan Communications
Process Group: Planning Process Group
Question Type: Calculation
Knowledge Area: Communications Management

Question: "You are managing a telecom project. You have got two teams reporting to you. One team is responsible for equipment installation and the other team is responsible to commission and test that equipment. Both teams are working in parallel such that as soon as the installation teams finishes equipment installation at one site they move on to another site for installations and the commissioning and testing team start their activities on the newly installed site. The reporting structure is such that each of the teams have 5 engineers headed by a team lead. Each team member interacts with each other, however only the team leads interact with you. Both the team leads also interact with each other to synchronize their operations.

How many communication channels do you have in your project?"

A. 33

B. 23

C. 42

D. 78

Hint: Calculate communication channels for each team and add them together
Reference: PMBOK4 pg:253
Explanation: This was a hard question, wasn't it? Lets analyze the scenario to calculate the answer. Here we have two independent teams. Each team has 6 members, i.e., 5 engineers and one team lead. Each team member is interacting with each other, so communication channels for each team are (6)(6-1)/2=15. Both the team leads are communicating with you so there are two communication channels for this interaction. Further since both the team leads are interacting with each other there is an another communication channel between them. Hence the total communication channels in your project is 15+15+2+1=33.


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(Note that the sample question published on this page may be based on a prior version of the exam. It remains published for historical reference.)

Choice A is the only correct answer to this question.