Want to pass the PMP Exam? Get your PM StudyCoach now and feel confident.


Those who want to take and pass the PMP exam usually do not realize how hard it will be to prepare for it. All the studying, all the material to go through and internalize! And nobody is sure where to start and how exactly to proceed. If you ask around, then someone will surely suggest that you go through the PMBOK® Guide at least twice. But that is so vague. No one really tells you which areas to focus on or what order is best to study them in.

Enter The PM StudyCoach - a 10-week long PMP Exam Prep Coaching Course in which you are taught exactly what you have to study for The PMP® Exam.

The coaching sessions, videos, worksheets, articles and other helpful information in the PM StudyCoach are more than a big help. They will let you approach your PMP Exam Preparation in an organized and logical way instead of floundering around at random. It includes a daily study script that will make guesswork a thing of the past—you will know what you need to do each day to make the most of your study time. It’s the difference between driving to a strange place without a map versus starting the trip with a GPS!

The Coach will take you through the in a logical manner with clear explanations in everyday English. It will keep you motivated and encourage you by letting you see your progress as well as how far away your goal is. It also include an email study course will help you, teach you new ways to study and how to fit it into your busy life without sacrificing your entire social life!

Get your PM StudyCoach now and be confident. Let me guide you to your goal of passing the PMP exam.

Look no further: http://www.pmStudyCoach.com