April 2014 Discount Coupon


April 2014 Discount CouponAre you PMP certified and need to earn PDUs? It takes just three steps:

1. Watch The Agile PrepCast
2. Receive your PDU Certificate
3. Claim 35 PDUs

The Agile PrepCast is a PMI-ACP Exam preparation course that certified PMPs can use to earn PDUs.

For the whole month of April 2014, you can get The Agile PrepCast at a discounted price of $161.99. That is $18 savings for you!

To claim the coupon, simply use the coupon code Apr14 when you check out. You can also watch this short video first for instructions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tG81gp6AuQ

(Please note that our coupons are only available for new purchases and cannot be applied as a refund if you purchased earlier.)


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