March 2014 Discount Coupon


Earn 35 PDUs with an $18 discount coupon for The PM PrepCast!

* If you are PMP certified and you have passed your PMP Exam before July 31st 2013, then this offer is for you!

For the whole month of March 2014, you can get The PM PrepCast at a discounted price of $161.99. That is $18 savings for you!

The PM PrepCast is a complete PMP exam prep course that also qualifies for Category A PDUs.

Regularly you pay just $5.14 per PDU but because of our limited offer you get to pay less! Making The PM PrepCast one of the least expensive ways to cover your PDU needs.

Earn PDUs as simple as 1,2,3...

1. Watch The PM PrepCast
2. Receive your PDU Certificate
3. Claim 35 PDUs

March 2014 Discount Coupon

To claim the coupon, simply use the coupon code Mar14 when you check out. You can also watch this short video first for instructions:

(Please note that our coupons are only available for new purchases and cannot be applied as a refund if you purchased earlier.)

Buy now because this is only a one time limited offer that you cannot get anywhere else!


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