Earn 37 PDUs with The Agile PrepCast

Are you a certified Project Management Professional (PMP)®, Program Management Professional (PgMP)®, or PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® in need of Professional Development Units (PDUs)? Then use The Agile PrepCast™ and earn 37 PDUs.

The Agile PrepCast is a PMI-ACP Exam prep video workshop that you download to your smart phone, tablet, or computer. This means you can watch the lessons anywhere, anytime, and at your own convenience. With The Agile PrepCast there is no need to spend hours in the class room. You can put on your headphones while doing house work, working out, even on your commute to work. The Agile PrepCast is a low cost high quality alternative to learning in the classroom setting. The Agile PrepCast has over 150 video and audio lessons which cover Agile frameworks, methods, concepts, and tools and techniques. Each lesson averages 25 minutes in length, which can be perfect for those who are always on the go and want to make the most of their time.

You may be thinking to yourself that because The Agile PrepCast is an exam prep course, is there any real benefit to someone who is already certified? The answer is yes.

First let’s look at The Agile PrepCast if you are currently PMP or PgMP certified. The content is completely dedicated to Agile related topics which are not part of the PMP or PgMP certification process and as more and more companies start to utilize Agile practices these lessons will most likely become more and more relevant in your day to day work. The Agile PrepCast can provide a PMP or PgMP certification holder with the opportunity to greatly expand their knowledge of Agile while earning PDUs at the same time.

And if you are already PMI-ACP certified, then The Agile PrepCast is a great recertification tool. It is based based on the most recent version of the PMI-ACP Exam. If you didn’t use The Agile PrepCast as part of your exam preparation, then you can watch it and claimed 37 PDUs.

Getting started and earning your PDUs using The Agile PrepCast is an easy process. The first steps are to go to www.agileprepcast.com, order the program, and download the lessons to your smart phone, tablet, or computer. Then watch the lessons at your own pace on your own schedule. You can watch each lesson as many times as you would like to. The lessons are designed to help you understand Agile concept instead of memorizing them. Finally, once you feel you understand the Agile frameworks, methods, concepts, tools and techniques you will need to take the “Final Exam” in order to receive your certificate to obtain credit for PDUs. You can take this exam as many times as you needed until you pass.

Earning PDUs with The Agile PrepCast just made maintaining your PMP, PgMP, or PMI-ACP certification much easier. It is a great alternative to a class room setting, provides you with quality up to date lessons related to Agile, and is cost effective.

Take your first step at www.agileprepcast.com.

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