Free PMP Exam Sample Question

Quiz Depositphotos 6241386 xsThe following PMP® exam sample question is taken from the Free PMP Exam Simulator (The answer is at the very bottom):


You have just been assigned as the project manager for an ongoing project in your company. You have discovered there is no Project Charter that describes the responsibilities and authorities of the project manager. When you talked to your project sponsor about this issue he told you that nobody in the company even knows what a Project Charter is or what purpose it serves. He also told you that your company has executed numerous projects in the past without ever using a Project Charter. However, he asked you to prepare one just in case it is really a necessary project document. Where should you look for a Project Charter template to update in order to meet your project requirements?

A) Project Business Case
B) Enterprise Environmental Factors
C) Project Statement of Work
D) Organizational Process Assets


Hint: Your organization has never created a Project Charter in the past, so you
must find a Project Charter template to update in order to create a Project Charter
for your project.


Please visit and try The PM Exam Simulator free for seven days. All questions in the simulator are updated to the latest exam content outline and PMBOK® Guide. We are a Trusted and Experienced Education Provider.

(Note that the sample question published on this page may be based on a prior version of the exam. It remains published for historical reference.)

Answer and Explanation:
The Correct Answer is B: This is a tricky question. Usually templates for project
documents are found in the Organizational Process Assets. However, since your company
has never developed a Project Charter, you cannot find this template there. You can
find templates for a Project Charter on websites and in commercial databases, which
are included in Enterprise Environmental Factors.

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