Free PMP Exam Sample Question

Free PMP Exam Sample QuestionThe following PMP® exam sample question is taken from the Free PMP Exam Simulator at - The answer is at the very bottom:


You are working on a web development project. You looked on the internet for some off-the-shelf software to support the project. Your internet search may lead to better products but which of the following problems are associated with those products?

A.) Off-the-shelf-products always charge variable rates.
B.) Often the software does not work.
C.) It is difficult to get support after installation.
D.) Internet search cannot be used for highly complex procurements.


Hint: Internet search may be good for procuring small products.


Please visit and try The PM Exam Simulator free for seven days. All questions in the simulator are updated to the latest exam content outline and PMBOK® Guide. We are a Trusted and Experienced Education Provider.

(Note that the sample question published on this page may be based on a prior version of the exam. It remains published for historical reference.)

The correct answer is D
Explanation: Highly complex, and high-risk procurement efforts that must be closely monitored cannot be obtained by internet search.
Reference: PMBOK® Guide 4th Edition, page 332

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