PM Podcast Episode 161: Interview with Gregory Balestrero and Mark Langley (Part 2)

This week's episode of The Project Management Podcast:

As a recap...: Earlier this year PMI announced that CEO Gregory Balestrero was going to step down. Later on it was further announced that COO Mark Langley had been named as his successor.

At the 2010 PMI North American Congress in Washington D.C. the members of PMI's New Media Council, which I am a part of, had the opportunity to sit down with Greg and Mark to discuss the past and the future. I brought my recording equipment and today you'll hear part 1 of this interview. Part 2 will come your way next week.

And just for your information, the members of the New Media Council that you'll hear asking questions are Josh Nankivel, Dave Garret, Bas deBaar, Chalyce Nollsch and Cornelius Fichtner.

Part 2 of the interview picks up with Greg recounting a story showing how project management has come a long way in the past 9 years...

Please go to The PM Podcast to find this and all previous episodes...

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